Bitch Wars

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The Bitch Wars lasted from roughly 2030 to 2048 and covered the conflict between the regimes of the hanyos and the various Bitch Groups. The Bitch Groups themselves preferred to call this period the Feminist Spring, a term which was banned in 2045, along with use fo the word 'hanyo.


From about 2025 onward, all boys were brought up in the Shnkar Clinics, while girls remained at home and grew up in the usual way. The worldwide tragedy and drama over the fates of the boys caused public attention to be largely focused on MHS and its unfolding story, while the girls were left in comparative neglect. For the first time in history, these girls were able to dress, behave and make choices without having to take into consideration the needs, desires and behaviour of little boys. There were older males, of course, but no peer group and therefore no male classmates and few male playmates.

As they grew, the attention of the hanyos and their protectors, the Old Men, began to shift to these girls and their 'problems'. A tendency worrying to hanyos became evident: older women were siding with these girls and defending their choices. Symbolic of the trend was the teenage rock sensation Babelion, whose gutsy lyrics and chaotic arrangements soon had fans among girls and women all over the world. Female intellectuals on every continent at last began to speak up against both the rule of the Old Men and the coming hanyos. Lila Bintam, founder of the People's Peace Programme one of the earliest of the Bitch Groups, produced the New Bitch Manifesto in 2032, and this is widely thought to have inaugurated the Bitch Wars.

Notable events

Lila Bitam states in the New Bitch Manifesto: