Antisense Conditionals

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The sixteen Antisense Conditionals are workings out of the Antisense Unconditionals in practical life with due consideration for karma. They are all 'If-then' statements, as are the two Antisense Superconditionals, which summarise the Conditionals for handy reference. The are not commandments, as then represent a thing to be desired (the 'If' part), and the means to accomplish or acquire the object of desire (the 'then' part). They form the bedrock of Survivor life.

The Sixteen Conditionals

The Conditionals are divided into sections on the basis of their purpose and effect. The Red Seven protect happiness, while the White Eight nurture it. The Black One marks the boundary between Survivor happiness and hanyo winning, and gives truth to the Sense Mantra: No hanyos in the survivarium.

The Red Seven

  1. If you want to survive, you must protect and nurture the children, plants and animals.
  2. If you want to stay happy, you must learn and relearn how to chase happiness.
  3. If you make someone happy, you are doing right.
  4. If someone makes you happy, they are doing right.
  5. If you make someone miserable, you must put it right.
  6. If you break your own happiness, you must put it right as if you wronged a stranger.
  7. If you wish for peace, remedy a hurt before the tears dry.

The White Eight

  1. If you want the good things of life, pull karma.
  2. If you want safety, then watch and be watched with love.
  3. If you want to love someone, respect their will.
  4. If you want to be loved, be lovable.
  5. If you want to make things better, learn the codes.
  6. If you want our world to continue, teach what you’ve learned.
  7. If you want to teach, then walk no more than one step ahead of your student.
  8. If you must act behind a curtain, act as if one day we will see you, and keep records.

The Black One

  1. If you want to destroy the hanyos, save yourself and all the Survivors.


The Conditionals are not enforceable in the manner of hanyo laws. Instead, they are guidelines that inform and enliven the system of karma, and give logical organisation to the practice of it. They are not commandments, but rather suggestions on how to avoid breaking happiness, which is the one thing a Survivor never wants to do.