Antisense Screenplays

The Antisense Universe is a storyworld focused on climate action and civilisational redesign. In it, I am setting a wide variety of screenplays, novels, novellas, stories, graphic stories, and eventually games and augmented reality experiences. The main narrative through line is to be embodied in twenty four animated feature screenplays. Eight are written, and four are in process.

The reason I am choosing animation for this project is that the screenplays will share characters and locations. This would lead to enormous scheduling problems if the projects were live-action, but they will actually save money for animation, since we can reuse location and character designs. The story spans the globe and runs over at least eight centuries, so there’s plenty of scope for drama.

The people of the Antisense Universe struggle to save our human world from the systemic flaws that are destroying it. In the first phase of the story, climate scientists and refugees will gather in Climate Town, a new kind of ‘refugee camp’ that is also a model of green living. Built from rocky soil and trash by people who have lost everything, Climate Town exemplifies cheap tech that can revolutionise how we live in cities, and has the potential to be a beacon of hope for the world.

Things get complicated when the wife of a senior corporate official leaves her husband and takes shelter in Climate Town with her seven year old daughter. Her husband accuses Climate Town of kidnapping children, but before he can take action the pandemic intervenes, and he is reduced to trolling them on social media.

Over the next two decades, Climate Town acts as a refuge for people fleeing persecution of all kinds from every corner of the globe. Meanwhile, the corporations increase their stranglehold on the world until, in 2048, they engineer total ecological collapse. The heirs of the masters want to rule the ruins, but they are quickly embroiled in warfare between the various camps.

While the corporate dukes and earls are busy destroying each other, the workers are silently escaping into the wilderness. They join the movement of Zigsa, a fifteen year old escapee from Tibet who invents Antisense, a new ethical system based on happiness, sharing and love. Eventually the corporate dudebros shoot each other down with the help of their robot armies (and a passing comet), and it is finally safe for the Survivors to emerge and re green the Earth.

This process is not without dangers (and heroism) and they have to do this while facing the challenges of growing their system of Antisense to accommodate a maturing society. By 2680, things are looking good. The toxic waste left by the old world has almost entirely been cleaned up, there are forests and settlements all over the world, twelve orbital stations and a settlement on the Moon.

Then one day a child is born wrong. She falls out of the safety net of nurture and protection, the first in seven centuries to do so. The work of rehabilitating her stretches the resources of her well wishers, and the entire world, and forces the followers of Antisense to re-examine themselves and make some long overdue changes to their developing utopia.

I am looking for an animation production house, preferably based in India or Asia, to help me make these movies.

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