The Antisense Universe

A storyworld focused on civilisational redesign

Ashqabad: City of Stories

Book Zero of the Antisense Universe.

That’s the link to buy this book. Price one dollar, ebook only. Feel free to POD it if you wish.

Book cover of Ashqabad: City of Stories, showing a hand drawn illustration of a mountain with a river running down it, and a city on its slopes.
Cover of Ashqabad: City of Stories. All artwork by me.

This book isn’t quite the plan of the universe, but it does tell you some important things about the world and the way it works. Ashqabad is the place where all stories meet. The fourteen stories in this book are linked in many subtle ways, but you can just enjoy them for themselves. I wouldn’t say they are all ‘love’ stories in the traditional sense, but they are all about love.

They are keys to the city because in each of them, one of the characters understands something that allows them to solve a soul-problem or progress to the next level of their journey. The keys free you. They give you a way to come to the city whenever you want.

So far this book has sold about 19 copies and sales are stagnant. This does not bother me, because it kinda contains spoilers for the series, so it’s fine if people don’t read it now. I suspect they will come to it once they have read some of the more contemporary, realistic books in the series. It is definitely a book for fans of the AU rather than newbies.

The next title, Signal Red: Remounted, is a very different book.